Wednesday, January 30, 2008

only 5 weeks to go!

There isn't much to update you on in the last week. We had a great group day last Friday. I presented the proposal for work in the villages to the group and everyone seemed really keen. We will meet at a university next Friday (Feb 8) where we will be introduced to many important people working with the village governments. On Saturday (Jan 26) we stayed in and watched the Republic Day on TV, which was really long, but interesting and without bomb blasts. The past few days at the DIC were fairly uneventful, except we had our Canadian project supervisor visit, and I did a few dressing changes.
I was going to be going to the Taj Mahal in Agra this coming Saturday and then a wedding on the Sunday, but we were unable to book train tickets to Agra for the whole group on Saturday so now we're going on Sunday and missing the marriage. Hopefully I get to see one before going home!

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